Health & Medical Freedom
Action Items
Join us in Columbia on Tuesday January 14th!
Upstate Patriot Alliance is hosting a rally at the SC Statehouse beginning at 9 a.m. in front of the Gressette Building. Medical Freedom advocates, small business leaders, and patriots around the state will gather together to show our legislators and governor that they must reject another term of Dr. Edward Simmer as Director of the SC Department of Public Health and further reject any attempt to pass another "health czar" bill!
Upstate Patriot Alliance is hosting a rally at the SC Statehouse beginning at 9 a.m. in front of the Gressette Building. Medical Freedom advocates, small business leaders, and patriots around the state will gather together to show our legislators and governor that they must reject another term of Dr. Edward Simmer as Director of the SC Department of Public Health and further reject any attempt to pass another "health czar" bill!
Can't go? You can still help!
Call or copy and paste to text your State Senator:
Call or copy and paste to text your State Senator:
Here is a sample phone script, when making your calls:
Hello, my name is________, from ______ County. I’d like to voice my opposition to the appointment of Dr. Edward Simmer as the Director of Public Health. He has shown on numerous occasions that he does not think or act independently of the CDC when making recommendations on public health. He continues to be a proponent of masks, which have been debunked as any kind of measure to protect against virus transmission. He continues to call Covid-19 injections “safe and effective,” pushing for more South Carolinians to roll up their sleeves. With all the evidence of injury and death that these injections have caused, they should not be pushed on South Carolinians. Rather, they should be pulled from circulation and destroyed, and investigations should be initiated. I know you have received all the pertinent data on several occasions regarding Covid-19 “vaccine” harm. And while our elected officials refuse to repeal unconstitutional provisions in the state public health emergency law, we certainly cannot have a Director of Public Health who has the power to quarantine and isolate individuals and compel law enforcement to obey his commands. Instead, we need a Director of Public Health who will put South Carolina State sovereignty and individual health freedoms first—someone who will respect the constraints of the US and South Carolina Constitutions and the rights of the individual. For all these reasons, you must NOT appoint Dr. Edward Simmer as the Director of Public Health. Thank you for your time.
Hello, my name is________, from ______ County. I’d like to voice my opposition to the appointment of Dr. Edward Simmer as the Director of Public Health. He has shown on numerous occasions that he does not think or act independently of the CDC when making recommendations on public health. He continues to be a proponent of masks, which have been debunked as any kind of measure to protect against virus transmission. He continues to call Covid-19 injections “safe and effective,” pushing for more South Carolinians to roll up their sleeves. With all the evidence of injury and death that these injections have caused, they should not be pushed on South Carolinians. Rather, they should be pulled from circulation and destroyed, and investigations should be initiated. I know you have received all the pertinent data on several occasions regarding Covid-19 “vaccine” harm. And while our elected officials refuse to repeal unconstitutional provisions in the state public health emergency law, we certainly cannot have a Director of Public Health who has the power to quarantine and isolate individuals and compel law enforcement to obey his commands. Instead, we need a Director of Public Health who will put South Carolina State sovereignty and individual health freedoms first—someone who will respect the constraints of the US and South Carolina Constitutions and the rights of the individual. For all these reasons, you must NOT appoint Dr. Edward Simmer as the Director of Public Health. Thank you for your time.
Email your Governor and State Senator:
The following documents are useful attachments for your email:
Phone script and letters courtesy of:
Myrtle Beach Republican Women’s Legislative Committee
Concerned Citizens
Protect Sovereignty SC
Myrtle Beach Republican Women’s Legislative Committee
Concerned Citizens
Protect Sovereignty SC
2024 Session:
Talking points for your legislators:
What the Medical Freedom Act - Bill S 975 - DOES DO:
- Protects informed consent by prohibiting SC employers from mandating indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies.
- Provides DHEC and SC State Agencies the ability to appropriately respond during a state of emergency and PROTECTS South Carolinians civil liberties against government overreach.
- Allows the ability for employees and others to VOLUNTARILY accept indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies.
What the Medical Freedom Act - Bill S 975 - DOES NOT DO:
- Does NOT PREVENT EMPLOYERS and others from recommending indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines or gene therapies.
-Does NOT PREVENT EMPLOYEES and others access to indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies who would like to voluntarily accept them.
Important things to note:
Bill 975 is a fair and timely Bill that UPHOLDS MEDICAL ETHICS and PROTECTS INFORMED CONSENT by protecting those employed by SC employers from being required to accept indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies as a condition of their employment.
Federal Laws remove South Carolinians' BASIC RIGHT to sue in a court of law if death or injury occurs after receiving an indemnified pharmaceutical product. (The 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act- PREP Act)
The South Carolina Supreme Court states that there is an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing in the context of terminable-at-will employment relationships.
“There exists in every contract an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing,” says the court quoting Adams v. G.J Creel & Sons, Inc., 1995
Employers REQUIRING a LIABILITY-FREE PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT that is not safe enough to incur liability like every other product in the US unjustly places the burden of risk squarely on their employees.
Currently, employers are not held accountable if an employee experiences short or long-term harm as a result of a liability-free pharmaceutical product being mandated as a condition of employment. Coercive mandates are not in alignment with medical ethics; informed consent is.
South Carolinians insist on having the ability to voluntarily accept a liability-free pharmaceutical product based on the MERITS OF THAT PRODUCT, not as a result of coercive threats of losing employment and financial security.
DHEC does not have the ability to mandate a policy in the workplace. However, businesses did choose to adopt and/or mandate certain DHEC or CDC guidelines throughout the COVID crisis.
Bill 975 is in alignment with the statewide SCGOP platform:
A Resolution of the South Carolina Republican Party Regarding Vaccine Mandates
WHEREAS, the COVID 19 pandemic has caused many government entities to operate under various executive orders as prescribed by law: and
WHEREAS, government entities including the Federal Executive Branch have issued mandates to government employees and private sector employees to receive COVID 19 vaccines; and
WHEREAS, all COVID 19 vaccines to date have not been fully approved by the FDA and are being administered under emergency use authorization: and
WHEREAS, said emergency use authorizations are issued under USC 360bbb-3 which contains provisions that individuals have the option to “accept or refuse administration of the product”: and
WHEREAS, no authority to compel nationwide vaccine mandates exists in the US Constitution and people’s health records are a private matter, therefore, so called vaccine passports are unconstitutional; and
WHEREAS, even with the advent of a fully FDA approved vaccine an individual has the right to opt out due to religious, health or other reasons;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the South Carolina Republican Party requests Governor Henry McMaster issue directives within his authority to prevent vaccine mandates in South Carolina; and further
BE IT RESOLVED, that we request the South Carolina General Assembly strengthen our laws to prevent future mandates.
- Criminalizes employer discrimination based on vaccination status.
- Prevents pharmacy denial of off-label use, life-saving medications like Ivermectin.
- Reduces some of the "public health emergency" powers of public health authorities.
- Releases SC physicians from a legal obligation to order/prescribe/administer recommended public health "measures" during a public health emergency.
- Requires informed consent for Emergency Use Authorized products.
Talking points for your legislators:
What the Medical Freedom Act - Bill S 975 - DOES DO:
- Protects informed consent by prohibiting SC employers from mandating indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies.
- Provides DHEC and SC State Agencies the ability to appropriately respond during a state of emergency and PROTECTS South Carolinians civil liberties against government overreach.
- Allows the ability for employees and others to VOLUNTARILY accept indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies.
What the Medical Freedom Act - Bill S 975 - DOES NOT DO:
- Does NOT PREVENT EMPLOYERS and others from recommending indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines or gene therapies.
-Does NOT PREVENT EMPLOYEES and others access to indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies who would like to voluntarily accept them.
Important things to note:
Bill 975 is a fair and timely Bill that UPHOLDS MEDICAL ETHICS and PROTECTS INFORMED CONSENT by protecting those employed by SC employers from being required to accept indemnified pharmaceutical products, novel vaccines and gene therapies as a condition of their employment.
Federal Laws remove South Carolinians' BASIC RIGHT to sue in a court of law if death or injury occurs after receiving an indemnified pharmaceutical product. (The 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act- PREP Act)
The South Carolina Supreme Court states that there is an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing in the context of terminable-at-will employment relationships.
“There exists in every contract an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing,” says the court quoting Adams v. G.J Creel & Sons, Inc., 1995
Employers REQUIRING a LIABILITY-FREE PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT that is not safe enough to incur liability like every other product in the US unjustly places the burden of risk squarely on their employees.
Currently, employers are not held accountable if an employee experiences short or long-term harm as a result of a liability-free pharmaceutical product being mandated as a condition of employment. Coercive mandates are not in alignment with medical ethics; informed consent is.
South Carolinians insist on having the ability to voluntarily accept a liability-free pharmaceutical product based on the MERITS OF THAT PRODUCT, not as a result of coercive threats of losing employment and financial security.
DHEC does not have the ability to mandate a policy in the workplace. However, businesses did choose to adopt and/or mandate certain DHEC or CDC guidelines throughout the COVID crisis.
Bill 975 is in alignment with the statewide SCGOP platform:
A Resolution of the South Carolina Republican Party Regarding Vaccine Mandates
WHEREAS, the COVID 19 pandemic has caused many government entities to operate under various executive orders as prescribed by law: and
WHEREAS, government entities including the Federal Executive Branch have issued mandates to government employees and private sector employees to receive COVID 19 vaccines; and
WHEREAS, all COVID 19 vaccines to date have not been fully approved by the FDA and are being administered under emergency use authorization: and
WHEREAS, said emergency use authorizations are issued under USC 360bbb-3 which contains provisions that individuals have the option to “accept or refuse administration of the product”: and
WHEREAS, no authority to compel nationwide vaccine mandates exists in the US Constitution and people’s health records are a private matter, therefore, so called vaccine passports are unconstitutional; and
WHEREAS, even with the advent of a fully FDA approved vaccine an individual has the right to opt out due to religious, health or other reasons;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the South Carolina Republican Party requests Governor Henry McMaster issue directives within his authority to prevent vaccine mandates in South Carolina; and further
BE IT RESOLVED, that we request the South Carolina General Assembly strengthen our laws to prevent future mandates.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to find a link to the Medical Affairs Pandemic Preparedness meeting and a timeline of presentations to share with your senators and representatives if they begin to argue that the vaccines help to keep people "safe".
"Circumventing Safety to Keep People Safe"
See websites below for more information on defending health freedom from medical tyranny. Check the News & Action Items and Calendar section of the website for more info.